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As your Special Education Advocate, I will help you become aware of the educational rights of your student with a disability and your rights as parents. I will help
you develop advocacy skills as parents and promote self-advocacy in your student.


We will utilize knowledge of the law to determine if the student’s IEP provides the goals, accommodations, support services and placement to address the challenges of their disability and allow them to meet their full potential, as well as utilize their advocacy skills to ensure the IEP supports the needs of the student.


We will also determine if the student’s IEP contains a Transition Plan that includes instruction, vocational training and community experiences that will help them develop Independent Living Skills, as well as promote the student’s self-advocacy skills to ensure the Transition Plan supports student’s successful transition to the community (applicable only for students 14 ½ or older).  


Retaining Services

Preparation for Consult

To ensure I have the information needed to provide you guidance and support, I am requesting that you either scan/email or fax the following documents to me for
review prior to meeting in person (as applicable):


  • most current IEP/504 and the IEP/504 from last 
    school year

  • last evaluation conducted  by the school district and
    the one prior to that

  • medical records or private evaluations describing your child's challenges, how they impact him/her at school, and the supports needed to ensure his/her progress at school

  • any correspondence between you and the school that relates to your concerns

Teaching Children How to Advocate for Themselves

Confidentiality is a

critical element of

the services provided

to families.

One Hundred Years

Forest Witcraft

A hundred years from now
it will not matter
what my bank account was,
the sort of house I lived in,
or the kind of car I drove ~

but the world
may be different
because I was important
in the life of a child.

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